You are looking for a suitable location for your meeting, seminar or workshop near Passau in lower Bavaria?
Then you are perfectly right here in the 5-star meeting hotel / seminar hotel. In the conference hotel in Passau in lower Bavaria experienced employees help you with planning, preparing, organizing and carrying out the meeting.
The modern and partly air-conditioned meeting rooms of the 5-star conference hotel / meeting hotel / workshop hotel provide an enjoyable atmosphere for your seminar / workshop / conference in Passau / lower Bavaria. The meeting rooms of the 5-star hotel in Passau are equipped with an overhead-projector, wifi, flipchart, telephone, pin board, moderation case, laserpointer and networking access.
In the 5 star seminar hotel / meeting hotel in Passau / Bavaria you have numerous attractive possibilities to use your free time. No matter if you want to be fit & healthy or relaxed & pampered. The workshop hotel offers the right thing for everyone. This 5 star conference hotel / seminar hotel in Passau offers a variety of accompanying programs in summer and winter. In the summer you can choose between a brewery and monastery tour in the nearby monastery Aldersbach, a balloon or shipping route and in the winter you can choose between a snow shoeing tour, torchlight hike or a romantic horse sleigh ride.
After a successful conference / event in the 5 star conference hotel / seminar hotel in Passau / lower Bavaria, the sports park as well as the 3000 m² spa landscape are available.