a First Class Cooperation Partner for 25 Years
Expertise through specialisation
The "sporthopaedicum" is an association of highly specialised Orthopaedic surgeons at four locations in Germany (Straubing, Berlin, Regensburg and Munich). This physician network is characterised by a high degree of specialisation. First and foremost, the centre is designed to treat all joint and vertebral conditions and injuries using modern methods.
The Asklepios Clinik St. Wolfgang has worked closely with the physicians at sporthopaedicum in Straubing for 25 years.
- meniscus and cartilage injuries
- new and old tears of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament
- collateral ligament tears, complex ligament instabilities
- misalignments
- dislocation and malfunction of the patella
- osteoarthritis and cartilage damage, cartilage transplantation
- herniated disc
- spinal canal stenosis
- osteochondrosis
- facet joint osteoarthritis
- deformities
- spondylolisthesis
- spondylolysis
- osteoporotic fractures
- scoliosis
- tendon, nerve and connective tissue disorders
- injuries and after-effects, discus and cartilage damage
- osteoarthritis of all hand joints
- hand dysfunction
- osteoarthritis and cartilage damage
- impingement
- hip endoprostheses
- hip endoprostheses replacement
- osteoarthritis and cartilage damage
- impingement
- hip endoprostheses
- hip endoprostheses replacement
- rotator cuff tears and impingement
- calcific tendinitis of the shoulder and frozen shoulder
- dislocations and instabilities
- misalignments
- cartilage damage and osteoarthritis
- Valgus Extension Overload Syndrome (VEOS) (tennis/golfer's elbow)
- signs of exhaustion
- osteoarthritis
- dysfunction